About Eri

Hi, I’m Eri! Thank you for stopping by.

I am a communications professional with extensive experience in intercultural communications and mediation, community engagement strategies, social media, research, and writing. I work to ensure that community members of underprivileged backgrounds have a voice in programs and policies that impact their lives. My work includes oversight of stakeholder committees and focus groups, social media optimization, and management of over $1.2 million annually in sponsorships that foster meaningful partnerships with community-based organizations whose work is critical to strengthening the safety net that supports so many, with special focus on organizations that respond to the health needs of historically underserved groups.

I take pride in leading culturally-sensitive community outreach efforts that speak to the rich diversity of Los Angeles County—work that aligns with my personal values of integrity and social parity, and my belief that the opportunity to contribute to improving the lives of others is inextricably tied to the responsibility to do so.

My dedication to serving underprivileged communities started the day I witnessed the 2006 May 1st Immigrant March in Los Angeles. I was inspired by the impassioned cry for justice of so many, and their indomitable spirit to overcome innumerable disadvantages. Their struggle spoke to me in a very personal way.

I value this moment and my life experiences as indispensable to building the resilience that drives my professional ambition today. I learned at a young age to have the courage to pursue my goals through adversity, and to appreciate the hard work and personal sacrifice that characterize the every-day life of many families working so hard just to survive. It is my hope that through my work, I can help those families in a meaningful way.